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Friday, March 5, 2010

Sary's Note



The last day in Siem Reap, we were allowed to wake up early and go with the tour to Angkor Wat around 5:30AM, when it was still dark, and sit in front of the reflection pool and watch the sun rise over the temple.  That’s pretty much exactly what I did, and it was definitely very beautiful, although strangely I found it most beautiful earliest in the morning, when it was very very dark and you could hardly see anything at all.  Maybe it was because you could hardly see anything at all except for the silhouette of the temple – not even people – and it felt like the whole place belonged to you.  I definitely do think that I would have enjoyed my visit to Angkor Wat more if it had all been at night and I had only been by myself or maybe with one other person.  But anyway.


While we were sitting and watching, some people from the trip ventured to the left a little bit to where the merchants were, underneath some trees, where the shade would be in the middle of the day.  Elaina, whom I don’t really know, bought something from one girl in the morning, and then talked to her for a little bit.  She mentioned that she would be coming back in the afternoon, and the girl said okay, and she’d see her then.


When she came back in the afternoon, the girl ran up to her and gave her a note.  It was on a small piece of white lined paper and was written in blue ink.  There was a flower on the front, and a note written on the other side.  She also gave her a picture of herself in her school uniform.  Elaina just cried right away.  I didn’t see it or know about it until after we had gotten on the bus and were waiting to go, but man, it was definitely beautiful.


I’ll post a picture of it.  I don’t just want to write the text.  You’ll probably have to wait until I’m almost out of India, but it’ll be worth it.

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