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Friday, March 5, 2010




Later on, when we came back and were walking to the main temple from the opposite direction, we saw MONKEYS!  Like, real live monkeys just wandering about.  At first we just saw one, but then we saw a whole family.  They were very little, all under our knees.  There was one mother with a tiny tiny baby still clinging to her chest and that was adorable.


I saw one of them take something from the ground, and I wondered if they were thirsty, and I had a little bit of water left in my bottle and figured I could give it to them.  So I put it on the ground, and immediately one of them ran up to it and took it, then ran over to the grass, laid it down on the ground and ran over the where he had knocked the opening and drank the rest of it.  It was awesome.


I ALSO SAW A MONKEY EATING A BANANA.  That was pretty sweet.  There was actually a dude selling bananas right nearby.


One guy kept trying to pour his water into a monkey’s mouth and it wasn’t really having any of it.  I tried to say that you need to just give them the bottle, but they didn’t go for it.  Eventually another monkey climbed up onto the dude’s back, which is pretty wild.  At one point one monkey actually jumped at me, but I sprang backward and avoided it touching me, so that was fine.  I dropped my water bottle cap on the ground to see if they would take it, and they did, then dropped it.  I tried to pick it back up but they took it away forever.


There were two monkeys having sex on top of the entrance to Angkor Wat, which was pretty funny.  They stopped thought because this one girl in our group who I don’t really like very much got All Up In Their Business and ruined it for everyone.  The monkeys screamed at her and then left.

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