The amount of reading here so far is pretty ridiculous. My Pakistan and Africa courses both assign roughly about 100 pages per night, which is unbelievable. If each of my four classes did this, it'd be equivalent to reading two hundred pages of a text book every night. That really is just insane, and furthermore, counterproductive. I think we would learn a lot more from 10 really great pages of material that we read every word of than 200 pages that we only read the first sentence of each paragraph from.
Could somebody in GV (maybe Chloe?) please tell Jen P that I'm doing Semester at Sea and that I can't text and it costs money for me to receive texts? And that I said I'm fine, and sorry I couldn't get back to her.
There's a "coffee shop" tonight, I'm pretty excited. There's a pretty good number of musicians here, and one of them (I think his name is Talen?) does vocals/guitar/piano and apparently is touring with his band this summer. I'm interested to see him. I think I'll probably play Mr. Brightsides because it's so much fun to rock out to, and everybody knows the words, but some people have heard me play it before. I'm not really sure what other songs there are to rock out to though.
It's gotten way way calmer in the last day or so. My bed hardly creaked from the rocking, and I was able to sleep without waking up and feeling like my body was vertical/perpendicular to the ocean's surface.
Sometimes the water is a really nice, bright, deep blue, like you might find right outside Hawai'i in the deep waters, but a lot of times it's kind of dark and ugly like it is in most parts of the Atlantic.
Peace out.
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