Some of my professors aren't terribly impressive or fun to listen to, so I asked around to find out who the really amazing professors are, and I think I'm just going to try to sit in on some of their classes for fun. It'll be kinda like Brown. This next bit is more for me and my recollection, but you might find the course titles interesting to see.
-----1. Robbins
Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism;
800 - 915 B
Anthropology of Food;
1100 - 1215 B [conflict]
Anthropology of Stuff;
800 - 915 A
-----2. Sprenger
Sociology of the Sea;
1530 - 1645 A [conflict]
Sociology of Global Travel;
1530 - 1645 B [conflict]
Sociology of Race in a Global Context;
1230 - 1345 B
-----3. Sumner
The Sea and Human Imagination;
1400 - 1515 A [conflict]
Philosophy in Literature;
930 - 1045 B
Literature and the Object World;
800 - 915 A
-----4. Medora
Dating, Marriage, and Family;
1400 - 1515 B [conflict]
Child & Adolescent Development Around the World;
1100 - 1215 B [conflict]
Families in Cross-Cultural Perspective;
1100 - 1215 A [conflict]
-----5. Abel
1230 - 1345 B
Marine Biology;
800 - 915 B
Biology of Sharks;
1100 - 1215 A [conflict]
-----6. Paterson
Digital Storytelling;
1230 - 1345 A or 1230 - 1345 B
I got the names of most of those professors by talking to the academic dean's kid. She seems really nice, but says that sometimes it actually seems to hurt her socially that she's the dean's child. I thought people would be all over that trying to be friends with her. Anyway, she said that she got to schedule first, before anyone else, and she asked her dad which professors to take, and he pretty much listed some proper subset of the three above (I think, specifically, she's taking the first three of them). She said they were the superstars that her dad was most excited about. I was glad I somehow got to talking to her about this, and now I just hope that I'll find the motivation to actually make myself go to those classes on top of my ones I already have. Or maybe instead of the ones I already have. I think I'm going to aim (once again) to not get all As, especially since it doesn't matter.
I use the notebook Mom gave me to keep a calendar of all the trips I have planned in foreign countries, and to take notes on some random things. I wrote down all the professor's names in the back of it when I was talking to the dean's daughter, and her eyes nearly burst when she saw it. She asked if it were a Moleskine, and I said no (because that's a brand), but I think it might be moleskin cover. She asked if she could touch the paper because it feels so nice, which I thought was funny, not because it's weird but because I love how good paper feels too, and I guess that is actually weird.
I really wish I could get in my car right now and turn a CD up to full volume and sing wrong notes at the top of my lungs and no that no one was listening and have my ears ring from the sound when I get it and wonder if the ride was worth the permanent hearing loss.
But I guess that'll have to wait.
Peace out.
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