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Sunday, August 14, 2011


Today I was woken up by the coordinator knocking on my door. "Dude, you ready to go?" I didn't know what the hell he was talking about. "We're going to SM's house!" SM is basically the head cook here and she's married to the 'doctor' that we have. I had talked to one of the kids, the older girl who's a really excellent student, about going there with her on this day, but I thought it was clear that I was joking. I forgot that foreigners don't understand sarcasm and jest in English very well at all, so my joke got turned into a real request.

Well anyway, it was about forty minutes away, and the three volunteers all went on the coordinator's 125CC Step moto, which is not very strong at all. We thought we got lost multiple times, but we were always going the right way and made it to our destination the first place we ended up actually looking. It was on the other side of the river, and this is the first time that I've gone there. It was different.

One thing that's interesting here is how poor something can look on the outside and how rich it can look on the inside. The street is what you would expect of some third-world country's street: the building are run down, things are dirty, there's trash on the side, there's pot-holes all over the places, there are motos and tuktuks but few cars, there are stray animals running around.

But then we actually got to SM's house. The floor was clean brown and red tile, it had two stories, two bathrooms, bedrooms, a kitchen, a TV, and more food than you could imagine. First we all went upstairs and just had a seat while talking to SM, who insisted that we have some Cheers Cola, bottled just an hour away in a nearby city. It was actually quite good, like Coke except for less bite, less sweet, and less carbonation, so basically a toned down version that doesn't kick your ass every time you put it in your mouth. I don't drink soda, but it wasn't a bad thing to have to drink.

I guess what I thought was most interesting about the place was the difference between what I expected based on the outside, and what was actually happening inside. SM's whole family was there, including her husband, a number of her kids, and their kids as well. They both work at the same orphanage, so they're really close with all of the kids, and a bunch of them had made it there as well. The oldest one that I mentioned earlier had even slept over after helping her prepare the day before. The kids played with each other, the little grandkids ran around like monkeys, the grandparents held them in their lap and looked at their enormous doe eyes and the kids from my place helped them fight each like tae kwon do masters. Fans kept everyone cool as they watched some Khmae TV, and we were surprised to see that one of the girls from the orphanage, CSL, had made it onto the stage at a local concert and was now a part of the show. She was wearing her signature purple, black, and flannel shirt, and had to do some little skit with a random boy they had also called on stage. Everyone watched with rapt attention to see if our friend would win the "best actress" award. She didn't. A stray cat that they kind of take care of wandered it; it's old and very very peaceful, and sometimes it would rest its head on an old man's knee, or between two old mens' knees, or right near the door in the sun, or on my lap. Eventually they rolled out the floor mats to put food on, and two circles of eight formed - the adults and the kids - and the entire space contained in both circles was so full that there was hardly room for anything. When it was done, we relaxed, I pet the cat, the old men watched TV and the young girls did the dishes. No one fought.

There's a difference between rich and wealthy, but if SM and her husband don't have a rich life, then I don't know who possibly could. That's different from wealth, of course. They don't have enough money to travel, to have copious creature comforts. If they got sick or injured then they'd really be in trouble. But I can recall few experiences like that ever happening in my life in America, and I think that says something.

Back at the orphanage, the disciplinarian was busy planning the party that the volunteer girl wanted to fund. When we got back, she and him went to buy some chicken, bread, and juice for the kids. By the mid-afternoon, there were huge speaker stacks set up in the courtyard, and their tables had been moved from underneath the roofed section to the middle of the soccer court. Then it started to rain. Hard. Harder then it's ever rained here before in my time. The entire boy's side of the orphanage was flooded, and given that it's still raining now, will probably be flooded for days. But it didn't matter. They turned on music and sat and chilled for a while since it wasn't dinner/dancing time yet, some kids played volleyball in the rain, some got a moto from the boy's side and drove it around like crazy people in the courtyard. Finally the food was served, about a half a chicken for each person, and I'll assume that they did like we did and just dug in with their hands. Plus bread, with sweetened milk (which is DELICIOUS), juice, and cookies.

Then it was dance time, so they moved all the stacks over to the boys' side again and pumped it up LOUD. Khmae dance, Khmae pop and American pop were all in the mix. Khmae dance always has to have an object in the center, so they took a table and put a huge plant on it, and used that to dance around. When Khmae dance songs came on, they would do traditional Khmae dance, spiraling around the table. When pop came on, they'd dance like high schoolers in America dance, or middle schoolers, depending on age. The most fun to watch is definitely the girl who jokingly calls herself my Khmae wife, who has so much testosterone that rather than just not care what people think, she challenges you to care so that she can beat you up when you do. She's actually a pretty good dancer, and discovered that a slippery floor + slidey flipflops can lead to some pretty cool new moves. The other most fun one to watch is the cheeky girl who never cares what anyone thinks and gave me the finger for no reason one day and then laughed her head off, like she always does. She's a bit more benign than Khmae wife girl, but just as fun to watch not-care.

I discovered that I hate dancing Khmae as much as I hate dancing American, and so instead I went to the side and gave the kids a light-switch rave when the next dubstep song came on. They really dug that, and I was proud to have discovered it. After a little while, some kids went down off the boys' patio and just danced in the flooded front section of the orphanage together, traditional or pop, didn't make a difference.

The kids put a plastic bag over the disciplinarians's hair, and he danced with them all.

Peace out.

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